Redemption at Shadow Lake Page 8
Samantha took a sip of the cold liquid and felt it slide down her throat easing the dryness. “The incident had to do with Mr. Benham. I went over to pick up my sign and give him the garage door opener. I had placed the sign in the trunk and turned around, and he was right in front of me. It happened so fast. He tried to force himself on me. As he kissed me, I hit him in the groin with my knee and reached into my pocket, pulling out my mace and sprayed him with it, got in my car and drove away leaving him lying on the ground.”
“Oh, Samantha. You didn’t deserve that. I always had the feeling he couldn’t be trusted,” said Jonathan giving her his full attention.
“I feel like such a fool. You even tried to warn me about Calvin, but I thought I could handle it. In all my years in real estate, I’ve never had this sort of thing happen before,” said Samantha taking another sip of water. Her nerves were finally starting to subside. She felt better talking to him.
“So, what are you going to do? You can’t let him get away with this.”
“Beverly and I talked after I got back to the office and I filed a report. I am afraid that he might try to get me on an assault charge. I could hear him cussing me. There weren’t any witnesses. It’s his word against mine.”
“I think maybe you should contact the police and let them know what happened. Calvin’s probably just trying to scare you, but you don’t know much about him. I want you to be safe.”
Samantha rose from the sofa grabbing her purse. “I really should be getting home.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to follow you home?” asked Jonathan as he walked her to the front door.
“I hate to put you out. You have been so kind to me already. I appreciate your friendship,” said Samantha smiling at him.
“I’ll get my coat. It’s dark, and I’ll worry about you. I won’t take no for an answer.”
Samantha walked out into the dark street lit only by the street lamps. The night air was crisp, and she gathered her blazer around her. Jonathan put his arm around Samantha while they walked to the car. She got in, and Jonathan shut the door behind her.
Samantha looked at the homes as she drove along the lake. Many had porch lights on and cars in the driveways. She couldn’t wait to get home and put this day behind her.
Her mind wandered to earlier when Jonathan had comforted her by holding her in his arms. She remembered how his arms felt as they wrapped around her body and the sweet kiss he had given her before he pulled away. Did it spark a painful memory?
Jonathan turned in behind her and got out. “I’ll walk you to the door,” he said getting out. “You have a nice place.”
They walked up the porch together neither one saying a word. Samantha put her key in the lock and opened the door.
“I hope I didn’t overstep my boundaries tonight. I just hated seeing you in so much pain. I think you already know that I care about you,” he said, his eyes meeting hers. “If you need to talk, know that I’m here for you.”
“I’m sorry that I broke down in front of you. It wasn’t my intention. You’re a sweet man, but as you know I don’t make a habit of falling for my clients,” said Samantha knowing that was what was happening. It was already too late.
“I know you don’t but sometimes things just happen and maybe it’s God’s plan,” he reached over and pulled her into his arms one last time for a hug.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, but I have to be careful right now. Calvin’s probably watching for something he can use against me.”
“I understand. Goodnight, Samantha.”
She stood watching out the window as he got into his Jeep. Somehow, she had to get the message across that she couldn’t see him outside of regular business. She wasn’t sure Calvin wasn’t watching her every move. But everything inside her wanted more from Jonathan.
It was mid-morning the end of June, and Samantha was at the office reviewing the listing for Jonathan’s house that Beverly put into the MLS. Everything looked great. She decided the best way to sell his home was to work with a broker in Denver.
She picked up the phone and called Mile High Realty and asked for the broker. A few minutes later, Mindy Simpson picked up.
“Hi Mindy, this is Samantha Dunning from Shadow Lake Realty. I have a property listing that I think you might find interesting. My client is a professional photographer, and the place is set up with a reception area, frame shop and gallery on the lower floor and living quarters on the second floor,” said Samantha taking a sip of the coffee.
“It sounds amazing. What style of architecture? I may have a couple of clients that might fit your listing,” she asked.
“It’s a Victorian and isn’t far from the center of town in a residential area but has special business zoning. If you like, I can fax the listing over to you. It will be vacant in a couple of days.”
“I’ll check the listing and get back to you. I’m fine with working with you and sharing commissions. It’s easier than driving all the way up there. Talk to you soon.”
Samantha hung up and finished her coffee. Working with out of town agents was something she enjoyed doing and had closed plenty of deals with out of area realtors in the past. Hopefully, the property would sell quickly and without Jonathan having to put the house back to its original condition.
Samantha couldn’t stop thinking about Jonathan. She couldn’t risk having a relationship with him even though that’s what she wanted to do. She would have to keep it business only until his house sold.
Chapter 27
J onathan had loaded up his jeep with some boxes to take over to the new house. After a couple of trips, he decided to take a break and made some coffee.
He filled a cup and sat in the one chair left in the living room. He couldn’t get last night with Samantha off his mind. He could still envision her warm body as she leaned into him and he would never forget the softness of her skin when he kissed her forehead.
His heart broke when he found out what that man had tried to do to her. Strike that. Calvin was no man, but an abuser who thought he could take whatever he wanted. Samantha was a sweet, women who sure didn’t deserve that. No woman did.
Jonathan knew in his heart that she was the one God had chosen for him and could tell that she had feelings for him too but wouldn’t act on them as long as he was one of her clients. He didn’t blame her. He loved a woman with ethics and an excellent moral compass. She had both.
Jonathan refilled his cup and stood in front of the kitchen window. He felt like he was leaving a part of Marilyn behind, but that was silly. He had to make a fresh start and move on with his life, especially if he ever meant to have a future with Samantha.
It was later in the afternoon and time for him to pick up the moving truck to empty out his photography studio. He had cleared most everything else out except for a change of clothes and the small amount of furniture upstairs. It felt strange having two sets of keys. Two houses and he felt uneasy in both, but he hoped that would change once he got everything moved and put away.
He hoped in his travels that he didn’t run into Calvin somewhere. He wasn’t sure he could contain the anger that had been building. Lord, I know that I am supposed to keep a clear mind and a loving heart, but sometimes it’s tough. I’m going to need your help with this one.
Samantha was leaving the office. Beverly waved to her as she pulled away. She drove up the street a few blocks and pulled into Bob’s Supermarket to pick up something to fix for dinner. Preferably, something quick and healthy.
She parked and got out. The wind had picked up, and it blew her hair across her face. She swiped it away with her hand and continued into the store.
As she walked the aisles, she weaved her cart in and out to avoid the other shoppers. That’s why I never stop right after work. What was I thinking? Note to self-come early in the morning.
She picked up some staples and decided to fix soup and salad for dinner. She cr
uised the produce department and picked up lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, and cucumber. The seafood department had salad shrimp to top it off. Her stomach rumbled reminding her that she had forgotten to eat lunch.
Confident that she had everything she needed, she made her way to the checkout, taking her place in the long line. She felt someone’s hand brush against hers as she placed some items on the counter.
Startled, she pulled back and looked up into the eyes of Calvin Benham. He stared at her with a sinister smile. Her blood ran cold, and she had to muster every bit of courage she had to keep unloading her cart. She tried her best to ignore him.
“Hello, Samantha. Nice to see you again. You took off in a hurry the other day. I had hoped to spend more time with you,” said Calvin undressing her with his eyes.
The man made her skin crawl. She had to get away from him, but then she didn’t want him to follow her. How would she handle the situation? After all, it’s not like he was purposely following her. It was just a coincidence for him to be in line behind her. How do I know that? What if he follows me out to my car?
“It’s not like you to ignore me. After all, I’m a client. Is this the way you treat your clients?” he said trying to embarrass her.
She stood her ground and ignored him. She hoped that no one in the store recognized her. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of answering him. She was finally seeing him for what he was, a cold, calculating jerk.
Samantha finished paying for her food and pushed the cart as fast as she could out to her car and put the groceries into the trunk. Calvin was walking towards her car. She got in and drove away.
As she drove up Sleepy Creek Rd, her heart raced. She could feel her whole insides jump. Calm down; you don’t want to wreck your car. You’re making far too much of this. But then why is he taunting me? Lord, I lean on your promise and refuse to live in fear. She checked her rear-view mirror a couple of times to make sure he wasn’t following.
Within a few minutes, she turned into her driveway. The lights flooded the drive as she came to a stop in front of the house. She got out, popped the trunk, removed her groceries and walked up the porch unlocking her door.
She turned and hit the deadbolt, thinking that maybe it was time for an alarm system. Couldn’t hurt. Or perhaps a huge dog.
Chapter 28
T he sun was coming up on Calvin’s executive home. He had showered earlier and dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a polo shirt. He wanted to be comfortable while he was searching for property.
His blood had boiled when he received the letter from Samantha Dunning. Who did she think she was anyway? Realtors were a dime a dozen, and he would find one that would give him the attention he deserved. He thoroughly enjoyed the encounter at the grocery store. He grinned to himself. He couldn’t have planned it better. If it weren’t for my connection with the investors, I would have filed assault charges on her. Maybe it will make her nervous worrying about it.
The ringtone on his cell phone went off, and he reached over and scooped it up.
“Hello, Mr. Donatello.” Great, now why is he calling? He probably wants an update.
“Calvin. I’ve been waiting for a call from you. You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.”
“I’ve been busy scouting possible locations. I talked to someone local, and they seem to think there is property overlooking the lake that has been vacant for years. A place called the McClure Mansion. I’m going to check it out today.”
“How’s it going with that overachiever realtor of yours?” he asked taking a few seconds to cough before continuing. “I don’t feel she’s as hungry as you thought. I checked her out, and she seems to be doing quite well.”
“I’ve decided to find someone else. Samantha’s a spitfire, and a little too curious. I feel she could cause us problems,” said Calvin walking over to the desk.
“Don’t bother. I’ve already done it. John is driving up mid-afternoon and will be staying with you. He’ll be in touch when he gets there. Put off any more looking until he arrives,” said Mr. Donatello. “This isn’t a request.”
“Whatever you think is best. I’ll hang tight then.”
“I’ll have John pull up some info on the McClure Mansion before he gets there, so he’s ready to do whatever it takes if it turns out to be the right property. You disappoint me, Calvin. I don’t have to remind you of that problem I took care of, do I?”
Before Calvin could say another word, the call ended. It was evident the boss was not happy.
He didn’t know anything about John, and that put him at a disadvantage. He could bet that since Donatello enlisted his services, it was someone he wouldn’t like dealing with, and now he would be staying at his house. What next? He enjoyed entertaining as much as anybody, but he wanted to pick his guests.
Calvin headed downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee, and went outside on the deck. Boaters were already out enjoying the lake.
He sipped his coffee, leaning against the railing taking in the view. He couldn’t deny that he was enjoying the view even though locals were another matter. He would be glad when he could move on. Maybe, Hawaii or Cancun.
He went back upstairs to his office to check the local MLS listings. Thanks to modern technology a person didn’t have to wait for realtors.
He reached up and pushed the switch for the ceiling fan and sat down at his desk. He powered up his laptop and punched in properties for sale in Shadow Lake, Colo in the search engine. After setting his perimeters for land and acreage amount a few possible places popped up. He grabbed his notebook and wrote them down. He would make a point of seeing them. Would John have info on the McClure Mansion? If so, would there be enough land?
Calvin went off the website and punched in McClure Mansion, Shadow Lake, Colo. In a few seconds, a few links popped up. He clicked on the first one. His eyes glued to the screen, he took in the photo of the mansion.
What a structure. The architecture was fabulous but what did it look like now? If the company were able to purchase the land with the old mansion, they would most likely have to tear it down. Mayors of small towns were usually willing to do most anything if it meant a lot of money in their pockets.
A couple of hours had passed by when his cell phone rang. He reached over swiping the screen.
“Calvin, this is John. I’m in Shadow Lake and need the address to your house.”
Calvin provided him with the information and then hung up. He went downstairs into the kitchen and starting throwing a salad together. He was hungry and had a guest arriving soon. Maybe guest wasn't the right word either.
Chapter 29
I t was three days later when Jonathan finally got moved into his new residence. The living quarters were working out nicely. Now it was a matter of waiting to see if the new owner of his house wanted the conversions for the business area downstairs. If not, he would be able to transport the pieces and get his gallery up and running right away. Otherwise, he would have to start from scratch again.
Samantha had called earlier that morning to tell him that she had a client coming from Denver, an artist, that was interested in his house. If it is your will Lord, please let the house sell soon. I want to get on with my life.
Having to move when he did was untimely. He still had his showing in Denver to attend. He had made the hotel reservation weeks ago, and the photos were ready, so why was he not more excited? It was a great opportunity, but a cloud of uneasiness hung over him.
He was still bothered by what Samantha had told him. What if Calvin decided to stalk her? Well, she took care of herself the first time so he knew she was capable and she had filed a complaint. Calvin would be crazy to pursue her now. I wish I could be sure of it. Maybe I should ask if she has an alarm. Lord, watch over her, please.
His phone tweeted, and he reached over and snatched it up.
“Hi, Jonathan. Do you have a few free minutes to talk?” asked Samantha.
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I have a
client from Denver here at my desk. I just finished writing up an offer on your house and I know it’s unusual, but he would like to know your decision before he heads home,” said Samantha. Her client was patiently waiting at her desk.
“The contract is for $430,000 which I think is a fair offer. He wants to close in 30 days and will use our local title company.”
“Tell him he has a deal. I’ll drop by and sign the contract. Does he want the business area left as is or do I need to remove the additional fixtures?”
“You don’t have to do a thing. My client wants it left as is,” said Samantha giving her client a nod that everything was a go.
“That’s great. I can’t thank you enough. See you soon.”
Samantha hung up the phone. Now all there was to do was call Mindy and let her know that the owner was coming in to sign right away.
“Mr. Hastings, you have a house. The owner is coming in to sign, and then I’ll fax a copy over to Mindy for her signature. As soon as I get everything back, you will need to send us a cashier’s check made out to Shadow Lake Title Company so we can open escrow.”
“Thanks so much. I enjoyed working with you. I’m so glad Mindy was able to work out all the details. There was no way for her to take time off right now and I didn’t want to lose out on the house. It’s just what I’ve been looking for.”
“Mindy said you were an artist. What type of art do you do?”
“I’m a landscape artist and paint in oils. Shadow Lake probably has lots of places to spark inspiration, and I can’t wait to explore the area.”
“Can I get you some coffee or water before you leave?” said Samantha rising from her desk.
“A water would be great. Thanks,” Mr. Hasting’s said as he walked over to the board of properties for sale.
He was a man in his mid-forties, had a muscular build, short brown hair, was very polite and had a quality Samantha admired. The man knew what he wanted.